Conflict Free Diamond

Conflict Diamond

What is a conflict diamond ?

" that originate from areas controlled by forces or factions opposed to legitimate and internationally recognized governments, and are used to fund military action in opposition to those governments, or in contravention of the decisions of the Security Council. "United Nations definition of conflict diamond.

All the diamonds available in the market do not come from reliable and legitimate sources. Diamonds, that don't deserve to be mounted on jewellery which is a symbol of love, is not used at any cost on a Rhythem product.

Your Duty

Consumers can play an important role in combating conflict diamonds. When buying a diamond product, consumers should ask for a guarantee that the diamond is conflict-free. It is your duty to make sure that the diamond product you buy is clean with no tear or blood on it. Your money should go into right hand. You buy a diamond product to express your love. It shouldn't be at the cost of lives of innocent people. Your urge for a KPC or conflict free diamond will play an important part maintaining peace in our beautiful world.

Kimberly Process Certificate

In 2003, the government-run Kimberley Process scheme was launched to stop the trade in conflict diamonds. Over seventy governments taking part in the process are required to certify that diamond shipments through their countries are conflict-free, and they are required to set up diamond control systems to ensure this is true. Governments must pass national laws implementing the Kimberley Process and they can only trade with other participants in the process.

The diamond industry agreed to police itself to support the Kimberley Process by tracking diamonds from mines all the way to retail stores this is generally referred to as the system of warranties or the system of self regulation.